Brazil launches Best Regulatory Practices Label


The Brazilian Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services (MDIC) rewards normative acts that meet high-quality regulatory standards with Best Regulatory Practices Label.

A collage of two people standing next to a clipboard labelled "Regulation".
© Zatria.Creative / Shutterstock

The new Best Regulatory Practices Label was developed under the Regulatory Quality Labels Programme in July 2022 by the former Ministry of Economy. This programme has now been officially instituted by Ordinance No. 69 on April 3, 2023. It includes provisions that allow federal entities and municipalities to participate. Furthermore, the programme has replaced the regulatory burden criteria. The new criteria makes it possible to assess whether the evaluated normative act has repealed or consolidated other acts.


With the label, the Brazilian government encourages the improvement of normative acts. It recognises and raises awareness of best regulatory practices. To acquire the label, regulatory bodies must submit their regulations to the Secretariat of Competitiveness and  Regulatory Policy for evaluation.


There are 10 criteria used to assess normative acts. These include stakeholder participation during the process of developing the regulation and whether the regulation was foreseen on the regulatory agenda. Also relevant is, if the participating bodies have conducted Regulatory Impact Analysis. The Secretariat will then examine the 10 criteria related to best practices. It awards one point for each requirement met.


Depending on the overall performance – points gained - the participating regulatory bodies are rewarded. There are three label levels: gold, silver or bronze standard.


Participation is voluntary. The main goal is to stimulate best practices among organisations by giving recognition for the normative actions. The Secretariat is currently accepting normative acts from regulatory bodies and will publish the results of the assessment soon.


If you need assistance and would like to engage in this dialogue, do not hesitate to contact GPQI Brazil.


Learn more about GPQI Brazil here.

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