New Regulation - Conversion of Conventional to Electric Vehicles in Indonesia


The Indonesian government announced a new regulation regarding the conversion of motor vehicles with combustion engine to Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV). The regulation covers a wide scope of topics including: the components that may be converted, the requirements of conversion workshops which may perform the conversion of vehicles, and the required tests for the converted vehicles.

Electric car on a charging station with light candle details
Electric car on a charging station. © Petair / Shutterstock

The Minister of Transport Regulation No. 15 of 2022 (MoTrans 15/2022) on the Conversion of Motor Vehicles Other Than Motorcycles with Combustion Engine to BEV aims to support the BEV industry acceleration programme and entered into force on 12 August 2022.

It is an implementing regulation of the Presidential Regulation No. 55 of 2019 (PR 55/2019) on the Acceleration of the BEV Programme for Road Transportation which is the basis for the BEV industry in Indonesia.   

With the issuance of the regulation, the Indonesian government provides the framework for the conversion of motor vehicles from combustion engines to battery electric vehicles. Motorcycles are an exception to this. The definition of motor vehicles in this regulation also excludes vehicles on rails. However, the standard electric system already in use in the vehicle cannot be converted.  An exception can be made for the electric system in the motor driver and/or its supporting equipment.

Conversion workshops may carry out the conversion of motorcycles if they have fulfilled the requirements in accordance with the regulation and have been approved by the Ministry. According to the regulation, the following eight components can be converted:


a) Electric Motors
b) Battery
c) Battery Management System
d) DC to DC converter
e) Electric Motor Driver Controller System (controller/inverter)
f) Battery Charging Inlet
g) Supporting electrical system
h) Supporting components


Among the 8 components, b) the battery and e) Electric Motor Driver Controller System must have a testing report or a certification. In this context both standards are accepted - the Indonesian National Standard (Standar Nasional Indonesia - SNI) and the international standard. However, the SNI and international standards are not yet defined in this regulation. The components c), d), f), g), and h) must fulfil safety requirements as well. Once the vehicles are converted, testing is required for roadworthiness of the converted components and the physical-type. This can be conducted by the Implementing Units for Type Approval Testing.


GPQI Exchange on standards for electromobility

The German-Indonesian Bilateral Dialogue on Quality Infrastructure (QI) discusses standards for electromobility. The topic is part of the signed work plan for the bilateral dialogue within the Global Project Quality Infrastructure (GPQI). One of the goals is to promote the use of international standards in the electromobility sector to ensure the global competitiveness of both countries.  

For this purpose, GPQI Indonesia has established an expert group with relevant stakeholders, namely automotive associations, and companies from the automotive industry. The group discusses opportunities and challenges.  

Find further information in the GPQI factsheet about the automotive industry in Indonesia with a focus on electromobility. Please reach out to GPQI Indonesia if you need additional information or are interested to take part in the coming electromobility discussions.  

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