German-Indonesian business dialogue on the harmonisation of standards

24.02.2022, 14:00–15:40

Online, 14:00-15:40 (GMT+7) / 08:00-09:40 (CET)

GPQI, in cooperation with the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce (KADIN), is hosting a virtual business dialogue on 24 February 2022 (14:00-15:40 GMT+7). The dialogue will focus on "Import-export with European countries through Germany by harmonisation of standards".


The event will serve as a forum for exchange between Indonesian companies, KADIN and GPQI. The participants will discuss the importance of harmonising standards to reduce technical barriers to trade and increase trade. Additionally, the German-Indonesian Dialogue on Quality Infrastructure and its project lines will be presented to show how it supports companies to minimise standardisation issues.


Find more information, the programme and the speakers on the flyer below. You can register here.


